Trevin Wax
We all want to be great in ministry. But greatness in Christ's kingdom comes at a cost. What is it that you desire from Him?
Crawford Loritts
Dr. Crawford Loritts offers 10 ways to approach your time on the platform as you share the Word of God with the congregation He has entrusted to your care.
Tony Merida
The Prince of Peace calls us His own. Here are the 3 ways Christ calls you to extend peace as you make His name known.
Matt Rogers
"Future leaders do not simply appear; they are discovered." Here are the 4 traits to look for for in the future leaders of your church.
Kathy Litton
Your family is your first church plant. Here's how you can invest in your household as you share your love for the Lord and the joy of His church.
Coleman Ford
From death comes new life. Here's what dying to self looks like for the church planter as you grow in the area of spiritual formation.
David Platt
There are so many ways to build your church, yet God calls His builders to multiply by His design. Here are 12 ways to gauge the health of your church plant.
Doug Logan
Connecting with your community is no easy feat. Yet it's the example Paul gave us throughout the New Testament. Here's how–and why!–God has called you to be creative as you engage the lost around you.
Noah Oldham
Pastor, we know you need rest. Here are three simple ways to better care for yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually as you invest in what matters most.
J.A. Medders
Planters and pastors are called to share God's word with those they shepherd. Here's how your understanding of Scripture directly impacts your leadership.
You weren't made to live–or lead–solo. Here are four ways to engage in healthy, biblical community as a planter and pastor.
Travis Cunningham
We all want to experience belonging. And as Christ followers, we get to experience this belonging within the family of God. Here are four ways to cultivate the type of biblical community that you and your congregation need.
Joel Muddamalle
The difficulties of Christlike humility are not new to the modern age; the early church had to grow in this area of discipleship, too. Here are three reasons to pursue humility as you lead others to pursue Christ.
Jared Bumpers
Preaching the Word is a big task. Here are a few ways to stick the landing as a means of edifying your congregation while giving God the glory He is due.
Chuck Land
Our time in the office is not the infinite resource it seems to be. Here's how you can reign in your priorities as you seek to serve God well as you shepherd His people.
Steve Bezner
Global missions isn't a back-burner task we go back to when all the stars align. Here are four ways you and your church will benefit as you live out the great mission as Christ has called you to do.
What does it mean for your life to be marked by true Christlikeness? The Apostle Paul highlights what genuine devotion to Jesus means in his letter to the church in Colossae.
Michael Visy
People are not obstacles we navigate in our ministry; they are our ministry. Here's how you can build intentional relational equity with the people God has called you to shepherd.
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