Adam Muhtaseb & Nate Crew
Ray Ortlund says every healthy church has gospel doctrine, but it also must have a gospel culture – “the shared experience of grace for the undeserving.”
Clint Clifton
Trying to plant a church without a prospectus would be like trying to get a job without a resumé. Before you press “Purchase” on that print order for your prospectus, take some time to review these 10 excellent church planting prospectus samples.
Deborah Yearwood
The call to the church planting life is both gloriously rewarding and terrifyingly difficult. Trials will come, but God is a promise keeper. When the next storm rages in your life, let this article remind you of the Lord’s grace, goodness and faithfulness.
Ed Welch
That pastors ask regularly for prayer in the church should be a non-negotiable. But how transparent should we be with others about our own situations and struggles with sins?
Justin Orr
Two years ago, a wonderful church called me serve as their senior pastor in the aftermath of scandalous pastoral failure. Here's what I can tell you about the three “worst practices” that had knocked the church off-course.
How can we love people more than we want to be loved by them?" The marriage relationship offers us insight.
Mike Godfrey
“The guys at the 9marks table are uncomfortable right now” At a gathering for aspiring and active church planters we regularly heard from planters describing their experiences, mostly their “wins” in church planting thus far. That day our designated speaker...
When your "need" for love from others is unmet, take that hurt to Jesus in repentance.
Daniel Montgomery
You’re a church planter, frantically trying to get your church started. You’re doing it in a pressure cooker from a time standpoint because you’ve only got so much external resources, money that’s going to run out. On top of that,...
Brad Brisco
What if one church-planting path actually offered distinct advantages over traditional and bivo/covo means?
Annie B. Garman
Are you approaching this new year with optimism, cynicism or a little of both? It can be easy at New Year’s to get discouraged by our weakness, our lack of performance the previous year, our lack of spiritual discipline, our...
How can we love people more than we want to be loved by them? At its heart, this is an issue of worship.
I’ve noticed a sort of “postpartum depression” in church planters after the birth of their new church, between the second and fourth years of their planting journey. It happened to me too – and it nearly caused me to give...
Who has to deal with the fear of man more? A salesman who is dependent on cold calls every day or a church planter? How do planters get the approval of those around them to win them to a church plant? That’s an issue of the fear of man.
Matt Dirks
You have a big bucket of water and 20 small-mouth bottles 20 feet from you. What's the best way to fill the bottles?
Though God’s grace has been shown in my life and in the church I serve, I wish I’d remembered the old adage: “God gave you two ears and one mouth, so listen twice as much as you talk.”
Colby Garman
Leaders make decisions; good leaders make them in time. If you are going to lead well, you must couple your desire to be faithful with a willingness to decide.
People rarely consider how churches begin and almost never consider how they end. Churches, just like people, have lifecycles. They are born and they die. Where is your church in its lifecycle?
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