Clint Clifton
As we seek to be creative or innovative in planting, we must not compromise the integrity of the institution God intends to use to bring His gospel to the world.
Bobby Jamieson
Pastor want to raise up other pastors. It's one of the best ways to advance the Great Commission. Here are five ways to pour into aspiring pastors.
Christine Hoover
There's no set job description for being a church planter’s wife. Your goal is intentionally cultivating authentic, relational connection in every sphere of your life.
Eliza Huie
The blurry lines of ministry and home life present significant challenges for ministry kids. Here are several ways both parents and church can build up their emotional wellbeing.
With the rise of me-centered Christianity comes the danger of me-centered ministry. In pastoral ministry – and in church planting specifically – pride is a greater danger than failure.
Jenique Saunders
When pastors make forgiveness a personal value essential to church culture, they have a unique opportunity to usher in new ways of engaging with people after wrongdoing.
Dave Comeau
As a church planter, embrace setbacks and disappointments as the hand of a wise Father at work. You will not regret the time spent growing in these four graces.
I’ve been fascinated with IKEA since first visiting the home furnishing superstore more than 20 years ago. Over the years I’ve formed a set of IKEA-inspired church-planting lessons.
Gabe Martin
These three biblical intangibles will stand the test of time – and allow your church to do the same.
Church planting is not a job or career choice. We pursue church planting because God has broken our heart for a people and called us to plant among them.
Jared Huntley
Church planting is a team sport; you need team members gifted in ways you are not. Healthy churches are established by teams gifted in diverse ways.
Mike Godfrey
Entitlement is a persistent and pesky weed growing in the soil of your heart that will choke out the joy and faith you need in the church-planting journey.
Adam Muhtaseb
The arduous process of finding a facility can be the means by which God shows His glory most in your life and in the church He’s trusted you to lead.
Daniel Darling
God has given us the gift of words, but they can be misused. We should care about the way we use words in both everyday conversations and online.
Our new (and free!) Sending Church Masterclass provides training and development for kingdom-minded leaders in the Great Commission work of taking the gospel to the nations.
J.D. Greear
Fruitfulness in church planting only comes through the power of God. To plug into that power, you must make prayer one of your top priorities and plant praying churches.
Brad Brisco
As a planter begins to create a missional engagement strategy, these three theological foundations must be kept clearly in focus.
Kempton Turner
Only a healthy church can properly develop leaders to plant new churches. Here’s helpful advice drawn from our new (and free!) Sending Church Masterclass.
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