Will Browning
The Core Team phase of church planting sets the course for where your church will go. Here are seven common mistakes to avoid as you embark on your journey as a new church planter.
Brad Brisco
If God is sovereign over all things, then our work in the marketplace is an act of worship, too. Here's how we can see His divine hand at work, even in the midst of the mundane.
Aaron Cavin
Church planting is difficult work; you can't accomplish the work of God's kingdom alone. Here are three ways that joining a church-planting network will change the trajectory of your missional calling forever.
Keith Wieser
Christ's command to "go and make disciples" may seem confusing or even overwhelming to you. So, here are three ways you can intentionally focus your circle of influence as you pursue a life on mission.
Noah Oldham
Planters should preach Bible messages they spend time developing themselves, but time is at a premium. Here are suggestions for what to preach and why in various contexts.
Amy Bloye
If planting a church scares you to death, I want to offer you some amazing encouragement: You not only can survive, but you and your family can thrive on this journey! Here's how.
If our goal is rapid church multiplication, we must strive toward a movement that, as the saying goes, “breeds like rabbits.” Here are four characteristics of multiplying churches with movement cultures.
Brian Bowman
When I planted my first church, I had never heard of Year Zero. We didn’t even have a Week Zero! But I now understand I suffered three important losses by being in a hurry to launch weekly services.
Jason Zellmer
For a new planter, the thought of asking someone to take out their wallet can be next-level cringeworthy. These five steps could lead to God providing for you in amazing ways.
Ryan Rice
The community we planted in was divided down the middle, both socioeconomically and racially. As the Lord led us to plant a multiethnic church there, we learned three important truths.
Dean Inserra
Why should a church planter recruit a team to work alongside in the mission? Here are two compelling reasons.
Clint Clifton
While pastors today have a positive demeanor toward church planting in their communities, you still can hear four common excuses for not leading a church to multiply.
Brian White
From the very first Sunday, the clock is ticking toward finding a permanent space for your church. All the details can become a fog. Here are five facts about facilities every planter should know.
When we leave the house on Monday morning to “go to work,” we must remember that we do not somehow leave God behind.
Chris Phillips
“Your generation doesn’t have it as bad as our generation” is a stale approach to bringing up tomorrow's leaders. Here are three ways you can lead the next generation today.
Matt Miller
Embracing these five practices will take your personal prayer life to a whole new level and help you be intentional in discipling others to pray.
Starting a residency will transform your ministry and your church. Here are four reasons to have an intentional plan for turning members into missional leaders.
Pastors today have less time to do the one thing we have been commanded to never neglect: the ministry of the Word. Here are six ways a sermon preparation team can help you solve that problem.
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