The wife of a ministry husband will often find herself navigating a complex set of relationships as they seek to serve in Gospel work together.
The natural outflow of the Great Commission is the planting of new churches.
As people steward financially into your church, they will expect that the money is handled well.
Budgeting and fundraising are often two of the most daunting things that church planters face. This doesn't have to be the case.
Most of the time, church plants don't know how much space they'll need.
It is imperative that you get clarity on who you are and what your ministry is called to do.
Churches should not overlook this burgeoning mission opportunity.
What if there isn’t enough “grain to tread,” in the specific way our proverbial ox-hoof was designed by God?
God does not use a lone individual to start a church.
I want to be joyfully ministering for the long haul.
Start small, and chances are your church will remain small.
Seminaries are realizing that ministerial training happens best in the context of a local church.
Instead of looking down on pastors for being bivocational, we should lift them up as our heroes.
Together we can accomplish more than we can ever do alone.
We must take time to craft the vision for our church, and the elements of mission and ministry in it.
If Jesus’ sermons didn’t necessarily contain much new content, what made his teaching so attractive?
Renewal, restoration, transformation, and salvation will come from here or another place.
One of the biggest benefits to being multisite is that you can begin to build systems that allow you to launch new churches.
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