New Churches Podcast | Season 1 | Episode 721
What Churches that Multiply Do Differently

Episode 721
Many pastors intend for their church to multiply, but very few actually start new churches. Host Clint Clifton talks with John Welborn about what churches that multiply do differently than those that don’t.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- The need to set aside time for leadership development,
- provide clarity around the vision,
- make your life available to developing leaders,
- demystify spiritual leadership,
- understand the financial component
Helpful Resources:
- Free book: Church Planting Thresholds
- Interested in learning more? Check out our Church Planting Primer
- Are you ready to enroll in our Church Planting Masterclass?
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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):
Almost every church planter I’m interacting with intends for his church to multiply, yet very few of them are actually sending out and starting new churches. There’s a huge gap between intention and the practice, and that gap is how difficult it is and the things you have to do day-to-day in order to make it a reality. @ClintJClifton
At Salem, we lost over 50% of our church to relocations. We were put in a position to say if we don’t raise up new leaders, then we’re sunk. It’s not just a vision. It’s also something that’s in practical application on a week-to-week and month to-month basis. @JWWelborn
As a church planter, as you gather your team, crystallizing and communicating the vision that this new church is not just one new church, it tends to gather the sort of people that really resonate with a multiplying vision. Crystallize that vision from Day One. @ClintJClifton
You have to open your life because discipleship, as it relates to being a spiritual leader, is more than just a classroom informational setting. @JWWelborn
People can’t imagine themselves becoming what you are until it’s not mystical to them anymore, until they they can understand it and see how normal it is. @ClintJClifton
We always say to our church’s residents that we want to do church in such a way that the average Joe looks up at the stage and says, “I could totally do that.” @ClintJClifton
If you prioritize church multiplication as an essential element of the vision God has given, then it’s going to cost you something. We are making sacrifices to provide to each neighborhood what they need most, which is a gospel-preaching church. @JWWelborn
Published on December 01, 2022