
Tempted to Be Exceptional

Barnabas Piper

Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, and Tiger Woods stood alone in their fields as cutthroat geniuses. General Stanley McChrystal, Jocko Willink, James Stockdale and other fine military men offer lessons on leadership in extreme circumstances. Winston Churchill was the Last Lion....


Overcoming Isolation and Burnout in Church Planting: Building for the Long Haul

Dan Steel

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
 — African Proverb Starting a church often feels like something of an adventure. There’s early energy, vision, anticipation, and a belief that God will...


3 Categories to Consider Before Appointing a Leader

Jon Kelly

The appointment of leaders is all throughout the Scriptures. Whether it is Moses delegating responsibilities to other leaders at the recommendation of Jethro, Jesus entrusting authority to the Twelve, or Paul giving Timothy counsel on appointing leaders within the church,...


Spurgeon’s Concern for Pastors

J.A. Medders

John Piper warned us years ago, “Brothers, we are not professionals.” The leadership-guru-ization of pastoral ministry is a corrosive danger. Piper’s warning isn’t a call to abandon excellence and diligence. It’s a siren, a lighthouse, a bulletin to not approach...


Reimagining Prayer for the New Year

Ronnie Martin

As hard as it is to believe, New Year’s resolutions are about to ramp up again, and to be honest, I’m here for it. The reason why I happen to be pro-New Year’s resolutions is because I like a blank...

Podcast Episode

Keep on Planting

In this final episode of the season, host Jeff Medders is joined by fellow laborers Vance Pitman, Tony Merida, and Matt Carter to dive into Paul’s closing words for his protege in Titus 3:12-15.

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