New Churches Podcast | Season 1 | Episode 834
The Past and Future of Church Planting
Host Ed Stetzer meets with Vice President of Research and Resources Trevin Wax to discuss the many shifts and trends that have taken place within the world of church planting in recent years. Discover where the New Churches podcast has been, as well as what you can expect in future seasons!
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- How resources for church planters have evolved over the years
- Why relying on the Holy Spirit is not something you ever outgrow
- How consumerism has changed ministry—for better or for worse
- Why apologetics is a worthwhile use of your time as a church planter
- How we can better equip the pastors and church planters of the future
Helpful Resources:
- Are you part of a new church plant? Learn more about our new church offer here.
- Interested in learning more? Check out our Church Planting Primer.
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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):
The biggest shift in church planting is not the change in denominations or even in demographics. It’s that if you take the time to learn, you can learn from the best. — Ed Stetzer
Sometimes church planning can become like a trade show: “This is how you just do this—just add water, and you’ve got a church!” — Ed Stetzer
I want to help plant churches that see lives change. If we plant more and larger churches, but they’re not impactful in changing people’s lives, all we’ve done is move sheep around, and that’s happened too much in the last decade. — Ed Stetzer
The future is good. Jesus is at work there, and we’re going to plant churches with Him there. But I don’t know that we can rely on many of the assumptions of the past. — Ed Stetzer
I get up every morning wanting to see men and women trust and follow Jesus. From the city of Buffalo in late ’80s and still today in 2024, the message remains: people need the Lord. — Ed Stetzer
Published on May 28, 2024