New Churches Podcast | Season 1 | Episode 707
So You Want to Write a Book
Clint Clifton, Ed Stetzer & Christine Hoover

Episode 707
There’s so much to book writing that’s unknown and kind of mysterious to those who desire to write a book. Host Clint Clifton talks with Ed Stetzer and Christine Hoover about steps aspiring writers need to take.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- First steps to discovering the publishing industry
- The importance of having a well-known agent
- Ways to actually accomplish the labor of writing
- The role deadlines play
- How to evaluate if you’re any good at writing
Helpful Resources:
- Christine Hoover’s author page
- Ed Stetzer’s author page
- Clint Clifton’s author page
- Michael Hyatt The First Step You Must Take to Get Your Book Published
- Interested in learning more? Check out our Church Planting Primer
- Are you ready to enroll in our Church Planting Masterclass?
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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):
Writing a book is not just having the idea, not just having the desire. It’s putting your bottom in a seat and actually spending time doing it. It’s really an act of discipline. @ChristineHoover
Most books should be an article and most articles should be a Tweet. The expansion of ideas across chapters is a stunning amount of effort. If you want to write a book, you better start by writing some articles. @EdStetzer
I don’t read anything until I’m done and then I go back through and I re-read and edit myself pretty extensively. @ChristineHoover
Real writing is editing. Anyone can write something once. It’s your editing and re-editing where the pain comes, but it’s necessary. @EdStetzer
I have to go away for multiple days to get anything substantive done. Both of the major writing projects I’ve done were accomplished in two-, four- or five-day chunks of time. @ClintJClifton
You can self-publish and then be picked up by a publisher. That’s an increasingly common path as well. @EdStetzer
One way, especially for women, is using social media platforms to write and test things. When people resonate with certain topics, you realize, “Oh.” @ChristineHoover
Published on October 06, 2022