New Churches Podcast | Season 1 | Episode 677
Brutally Honest Feedback
Episode 677: It’s hard to get people who are on your side to give you honest feedback, but without it a leader is doomed to failure. Host Ed Stetzer talks with Dan Darling and Jessica Thompson about creating an environment for constructive criticism in your ministry.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- How to solicit and receive constructive criticism from trusted advisors
- Insights about receiving feedback and passing it on to others
- Some qualities to look for in people who will work around you
- How constructive critical feedback can be redemptive for you
- Why it’s hard to receive feedback and the role of emotional IQ
Helpful Resources:
- Dan Darling’s free course: Using Online Conversations for Good
- Michael Godfrey free article: Brutal Feedback is Your Friend
- Interested in learning more? Check out our Church Planting Primer
- Are you ready to enroll in our Church Planting Masterclass?
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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):
It is hard to get people who are on your side to give you brutally honest feedback. All kinds of people want to give me brutal feedback, but not all are there to do it constructively in ways that are helpful. @EdStetzer
I think this is vitally important for every leader by allowing people into your inner circle who have permission to give you criticism. I’m not talking about cynics. If you start out pushing away honest criticism, what happens is you create this bubble around you. That’s really dangerous for a leader. @Dan Darling
I think ultimately you have to ask yourself, are you actually open to receiving the feedback? I think you have to separate what is being shared from your emotions, and really try to listen, ask questions and understand before reacting. Then you figure out what you can learn from it and improve. – Jessica Thompson
You may also need to think about the structure of your team. It’s very easy for a leader to surround themselves with people who are sycophants. You want people on your team who believe in you, but also know that you have frailties. @Dan Darling
It’s hard to receive feedback because we’re all insecure at some level. We all want to hear the good parts of the annual review, but not the bad parts. @EdStetzer
You need people in your life who don’t just feed your ego, but fill your gaps. You have to invite them in and have those relationships where you’re open to hearing that. – Jessica Thompson
A leader without a cycle of feedback is ultimately doomed to failure. Proverbs 27:6 says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend. Profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” @Dan Darling
Published on June 23, 2022