About the Podcast

Preaching Masterclass

Have you ever thought, am I a good preacher? What can I do to become a better one? Am I doing enough to prepare? Or, is anyone listening? Preaching is hard. That’s why we’ve created the Preaching Masterclass, a pathway to help you refine the art of outlines and sermon preparation, preach with purpose, and lead listeners to apply God’s Word to their lives.

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Meet the Author

Miguel Núñez

Miguel Núñez serves as Senior Pastor Iglesia Bautista Internacional, Santo Domingo. He is Founder and President of Wisdom and Integrity Ministries, a board member of The Gospel Coalition, and Vice-Presidente de la Coalición por el Evangelio. Miguel is also a Doctor of Medicine, with specialties in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. He has received a ThM from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he also serves as a professor of leadership. He has authored more than a dozen books related to church, pastoral leadership, biblical doctrine, and biblical counseling.

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