New Churches Podcast | Season 1 | Episode 644
When Crisis Strikes Your Ministry
Clint Clifton & Christian Pinkston

Episode 644: An explosive crisis in a church can destroy both the congregation and Christ’s reputation in the community. Clint Clifton discusses crisis communication strategy with Christian Pinkston, founder of Pinkston, a public relations firm in Washington, D.C., that often helps churches with strategic communications.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- How a focus on enhance a church’s reputation can be an obstacle to its core mission
- Steps young churches can take to mitigate risk and be emboldened to press forward and minister
- The two categories of issues Pinkston finds churches most often face
- The importance of having a communication strategy in place before a crisis happens
- The three root causes of crisis in a church
- What a church should do to have good risk-prevention policies in place
- How a church planting pastor can introduce his congregation to the community through public relations
Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):
Often we see a church focus on their profile in the community, probably for good reasons, but it almost always takes away from the focus on discipling their flock and loving and serving their neighbors. @cpinkston
Churches focused and intentional about being the church don’t find themselves in a crisis nearly as often as churches that are aiming to be something bigger than they probably should. @cpinkston
It seems like the moment we’re living in is a minefield that’s causing pastors to have fear and freeze in place, rather than move forward and bold faith to reshape their communities. @clintjclifton
We cannot walk in fear or serve our church in fear. @cpinkston
The amount of negative pressure that’s coming to churches and pastors almost feels overwhelming. @clintjclifton
You can’t out-communicate a set of bad policies. @cpinkston
Failure comes in not knowing best practices and implementing them in advance. @cpinkston
We tend to say, “This isn’t that big a deal. It’ll blow over” – and then it becomes a bigger deal. @clintjclifton
Crises are appointments by the Lord in his sovereignty as opportunities to glorify Him and an opportunity for you to walk it out faithfulness in front of your congregation without fear. They are painful, but the Lord redeems those things. @cpinkston
Hiding and denying is where these things escalate into major stories, and it’s avoidable. @cpinkston
Create a culture of transparency in your church and start building trust with your congregation. When something really bad does happen, that trust will take you a long way. @cpinkston
The best crisis communication strategy is to be proactively communicating and building a reputation before there is a crisis. if the first thing someone hears about you is negative. It is really really hard to transform that narrative. @cpinkston
When a church tries to elevate its profile for the wrong reason, people bristle at that and it’s counterproductive. But when your church can be known for sacrificially loving and serving their community, that resonates. @cpinkston
There’s a lot we do in outreach – one-to-one connections – and then people show up on Sunday as a result. But there’s a lot we do that just simply builds the church’s reputation and aren’t necessarily reflected in the offering plate or the attendance. @clintjclifton
Building rapport in your community is a marathon. @clintjclifton
Don’t avoid controversial issues but think about how you engage those topics. Talking through them in a winsome, gracious but biblically sound way is helpful to the congregation. @cpinkston
Pastors tend to overestimate their communication aptitude. @clintjclifton
Helpful Resources:
- Visit Pinkston’s website
- Interested in learning more? Check out our Church Planting Primer
- Are you ready to enroll in our Church Planting Masterclass?
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Published on February 24, 2022