New Churches Podcast | Episode 710

Raising Pastors from Within

Episode 710

Planters face challenges trying to raise up pastors, but they also have some advantages. Host Clint Clifton talks with Adam Muhtaseb and Greg Gibson about raising pastors from within your plant.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • How praying for or giving money to a church planter is different than raising leaders internally
  • Advantages of raising up leaders in a planter context
  • How to identify potential church planters in your congregation
  • Where to start developing a system for leadership development
  • The subtle but important difference between teachability and agreeability.

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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):

Even megachurches with all the resources in the world are struggling to raise up leaders. @Adam_Muhtaseb

One advantage is that there’s less people, so you can already see who’s engaged, who’s faithful and then who has these more apostolic gift sets. It’s definitely more observable in a smaller context. — Greg Gibson

Jesus did not rent out the Roman Colosseum and start a service. He had dinner with 12 guys for three years. So who are you having dinner with? Who are you developing? @Adam_Muhtaseb

You’re imagining from the beginning something that’s going to work, not just for one or two people you have a personal relationship with, but you’re trying to create a pipeline where members can move through the process. @ClintJClifton

My impulse is always to want the excellent person, but in a sense I want to lower my standards a little and look for people who have high moral character, love Jesus and are willing to be faithful, to make sacrifices for him. — Greg Gibson

No one’s on the bench. We’re all being developed to our next step. Just what is our next step? @Adam_Muhtaseb

The professionalization of pastors doesn’t equate to church advance. So maybe if we de-professionalize pastoral ministry, we might make a little more progress. @ClintJClifton

Published on October 18, 2022

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New Churches Podcast

The New Churches podcast offers practical answers to your real ministry questions. We aren’t going to provide lofty pie-in-the-sky theories. Instead, we are going to help you in your real ministry context, with your real thoughts, questions, and issues.

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