New Churches Podcast | Season 1 | Episode 753

H3 Leader: Part 1

Vance Pitman & Noah Oldham

Episode 753

Hosts Vance Pitman and Noah Oldham spend time with author, speaker, and consultant Brad Lomenick examining the impact of humble, hungry, and hustle-driven leadership within the church planting context. Here’s how you can level up your personal and professional development as you seek to become the planter and leader whom God has wired you to be.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • The impact of generationally-led discipleship and development
  • Tips for steering your team further in the direction of their callings
  • How to find the balance between your work ethic and rest ethic
  • Why self-awareness is key in your own personal development
  • How humility transforms your faith in God’s faithfulness

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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):

Leaders are often utility players who wear a lot of hats, meaning they probably have a number of areas where they can and do need to grow. — Noah Oldham

It’s so easy to let your identity get wrapped up in what you do instead of who you are in Christ. Leadership isn’t a destination we reach; it’s a posture we cultivate. — Vance Pitman

Psalm 33 says, “The plans of the Lord are from generation to generation,” meaning we’re simply stewarding something that belongs to Him and that it’s going to continue in the next generation. — Vance Pitman

I’m always looking for transparency, vulnerability, authenticity, honesty, and self-awareness when it comes to humility. I want now more than ever to follow that kind of leader today. In the old days, it was “fake it ‘til you make it,” but today’s young leaders will see right through that. — Brad Lomenick

When it comes to calling and assignment, you have to find what that God has wired you to do, as well as what you’re passionate about. When you find this talent, passion, and connection all undergirded by God’s story, that’s when you are in the sweet spot. — Brad Lomenick

Published on July 13, 2023

About the Podcast

New Churches Podcast

The New Churches podcast offers practical answers to your real ministry questions. We aren’t going to provide lofty pie-in-the-sky theories. Instead, we are going to help you in your real ministry context, with your real thoughts, questions, and issues.

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Meet the Authors

Vance Pitman

President Send Network

Vance Pitman is president of Send Network, founding pastor of Hope Church, and author of UNBURDENED: Stop Living for Jesus So Jesus Can Live Through You and The Stressless Life: Experiencing the Unshakable Presence of God’s Indescribable Peace. As a seasoned church planter and now leader of the largest church planting organization in North America, Vance seeks to inspire people to join in God’s eternal, redemptive mission of making disciples, by multiplying the Church all over North America, that the nations may come to know Him.  Vance and his wife Kristie have four children and four grandchildren, and live in Georgia.

More Resources from Vance

Noah Oldham

Executive Director Send Network

Noah Oldham is the Executive Director of Send Network. He served as the founding and lead pastor of August Gate Church for 15 years and the Send City Missionary to St. Louis for almost 10. In both these roles, he led his church and dozens of others to plant churches throughout the St. Louis region and beyond. He holds master’s degrees in Biblical Studies and Christian Leadership and is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. He writes, speaks, and trains in the areas of two of his greatest passions: the local church and physical fitness. Noah and Heather have been married since 2005 and have 5 children.

More Resources from Noah