New Churches Podcast | Season 1 | Episode 773
Considerations for Buying a Building for Your Church

Episode 773
Host Ed Stetzer joins with rural pastor and planter Will Basham to discuss God’s faithfulness over a decade of ministry at New Heights Church. Listen as they dive into the fundamental details of purchasing a church building, along with creative ways to engage your community and congregation in each season along the way.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- Tips for financial discernment and wisdom
- Church planters’ testimonies of the Lord going before them
- How growth can be viewed as a discipleship opportunity
- The importance of clear communication in giving
- Ways for your people to be the church, from “cafetoriums” to pizza shops, on a school campus or at the park!
Helpful Resources:
- Interested in learning more? Check out our Church Planting Primer.
- Are you ready to enroll in our Church Planting Masterclass?
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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):
I love to ask people to give. It’s a blessing to offer an opportunity to be blessed. — Ed Stetzer
The key is to have a strategy and a facility that match your community. — Ed Stetzer
In designing your church, you’re sending a message about the kind of church you want to be. You’re sending a message to the people of faith that this is a place for them. — Ed Stetzer
It’s so easy to get distracted on the building as a church planter, especially a church planter leading in unconventional places. I spent so many years saying, “The church is not a building; the church is the people until we get a building.” — Will Basham
Planting is a constant effort. You can’t let off the gas pedal of mission because you got a building. It’s taught me that more than anything else, I have to keep the mission in front of our people. — Will Basham
Published on September 28, 2023