4 Time Management Practices to Help You Prioritize

By Kathy Litton

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus refers to prioritizing: “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33, ESV). Jesus was pointing His followers to their highest priority: the kingdom of God.

As leaders, you understand everything is not equal in importance, and it is your job to function with the right priorities in mind. You should have a deep desire to be good stewards with all God has given us. Prioritizing and time management isn’t exclusively about ministry efficiency or success. It is, however, about ordering your life around your first calling to love and serve and lead your family while church planting.

Consider applying these four practices for continued growth in prioritizing and time management.

1. Seek constant wisdom. We certainly need wisdom that comes from above. Seeking God and His ways is a constant driver for how we order our days. Also seek wisdom from others, like a practitioner who is a bit more seasoned and has practical wisdom based on his experience.

2. Invite the input of other people. Many times we have been shaped by environments that lead us to believe we are healthy in these areas yet are unable to recognize bad habits we may have. Ask someone to evaluate your time-management practices and then listen and grow. Seek accountability where needed.

3. Prioritize, then reprioritize. Your role requires you to prayerfully establish priorities for both the short term and the long haul. When priorities are established, things are clarified for you the leader and your team as well.

4. Execute your priorities. Find and utilize a practical working system that fits you. Tasks cannot be prioritized when they are swimming around in your head and heart. You need a structure that moves your priorities into action.

For more information on creating systems in your church plant, take the free Church Planting Masterclass.

Published September 28, 2022

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Kathy Litton

Kathy Litton is the director of planter spouse development at NAMB. She works with the spouses of church planters throughout North America, encouraging them, strengthening them and providing general guidance. She is married to Ed Litton, pastor of Redemption Church in Mobile, Alabama.