New Churches Podcast | Season 2 | Episode 9

Who the Gospel Reaches

Matt Carter, Doug Logan & Jen Oshman

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Host Matt Carter teams up with Doug Logan and Jen Oshman to dive more deeply into the “all people” that Paul addresses in Titus 2:11. See how this “all people” vision for planting the church is essential for every church plant in every context, as well as how verse 14 offers a gospel flavor to speak comfort and correction to you when you need it most.

Matt Carter is Send Network’s Vice President of Mobilization and was the founding pastor of The Austin Stone Church in Texas. Matt earned an master’s of divinity from Southwestern Seminary, as well as a doctorate in expositional preaching from Southeastern Seminary.

Doug Logan, Jr. serves as the Pastor of Church Planting at Remnant Church in Richmond, Virginia, and he has authored On the Block: Developing a Biblical Picture for Mission Engagement and The Soul-Winning Church: Six Keys to Fostering a Genuine Evangelistic Culture.

Jen Oshman is an author (Enough about MeCultural CounterfeitsWelcome, and It’s Good to be a Girl), podcaster (All Things), church planter’s wife, and mom of four daughters. She has served as a missionary and church planter for over two decades on three continents.

Helpful Resources:

  • Are you part of a new church plant? Learn more about our new church offer here.

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Published on November 19, 2024

About the Podcast

New Churches Podcast

The New Churches podcast offers practical answers to your real ministry questions. We aren’t going to provide lofty pie-in-the-sky theories. Instead, we are going to help you in your real ministry context, with your real thoughts, questions, and issues.

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Meet the Authors

Matt Carter

Vice President, Mobilization Send Network

Matt Carter is vice president of mobilization for Send Network, the largest church planting network in North America. He was also founding pastor of The Austin Stone Church. During his tenure at The Stone, the church sent over 300 full-time missionaries to unreached people groups around the world. Matt holds an MDiv from Southwestern Seminary and a Doctorate in Expositional Preaching from Southeastern Seminary. He and his wife Jennifer have three children.

More Resources from Matt

Doug Logan

Dr. Doug Logan, Jr. is the Pastor of Church Planting at Remnant Church in Richmond, VA.  He is also the author of On The Block: Developing a Biblical Picture for Missional Engagement. In 2011, he planted Epiphany Fellowship of Camden, NJ, with his wife, Angel. They have three adult sons, four grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.

More Resources from Doug

Jen Oshman

is an author (Enough about MeCultural CounterfeitsWelcome, and It’s Good to be a Girl), podcaster (All Things), church planter’s wife, and mom of four teen and young adult daughters. She has served as a missionary and church planter for over two decades on three continents. She currently resides in Colorado, where she is the Director of Women’s Ministry at Redemption Parker.

More Resources from Jen