Small Groups for Women

Hosts Vance Pitman and Noah Oldham team back up with author and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin to discuss the impact of discipling women through the small group method. Tune in to discover how you can create intentional, impactful discipleship spaces for the women of your congregation from the earliest days of your church plant.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • The pros and cons of gender-specific small group models
  • Why relating to one another as family is essential to the church in today’s culture
  • How to emphasize your intended learning outcomes for leaders and members alike
  • What your investment in childcare communicates about your core values
  • Discipleship resources for the women of your church plant!

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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):

When we talk about theological and biblical illiteracy in the church, if we’re only having feelings-level or application-driven discussions, we are probably not being discipled into the basic Christian beliefs that are our inheritance. — Jen Wilkin

Many times, a small group setting is used because the leader asks, “Well, what do the people want to do?” I would argue that’s the wrong first question. The right one is, “How are disciples formed, and then how do we get them there?” — Jen Wilkin

The culture has lost its concept of friendship, not just between men and women but between people. Any strong emotion for another human being is viewed as sexual or romantic. So, where should we reclaim the beauty of brother-sisterly friendships? If the church doesn’t do it, it’s not going to happen. — Jen Wilkin

We inhabit an age of low expectations for Christian discipleship. — Jen Wilkin

Don’t think that only men want to be challenged in their theological or biblical literacy. Women are hungry for this, and they come alive with it. — Jen Wilkin

Published May 21, 2024

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