New Churches Podcast | Season 1 | Episode 805
What Role Does Preaching Play in Church Planting?

Episode 805
Host Tony Merida meets with Matt Carter, Send Network’s Vice President of Mobilization, to discuss their journeys through preaching the Word within their respective church-planting contexts. Tune in to discover their wisdom gained and lessons learned throughout their years of preaching and planting.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- How to contextualize your message to your mission
- Why warmth, wisdom, and servanthood should characterize your preaching presence
- What cultural awareness offers to your diverse congregation
- Why your authentic style is essential for effective preaching
- The steps you can take to build out your new church’s evangelistic culture!
Helpful Resources:
- Are you part of a new church plant? Learn more about our new church offer here.
- Interested in learning more? Check out our Church Planting Primer.
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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):
You can say things in the midst of a sermon that will completely derail the main point of your text, whether you’re preaching in a small or large, rural or urban, conservative or not-so-conservative environment. – Matt Carter
You need to be wise about who you’re talking to but be authentic to who you are. – Matt Carter
“I’ve made myself a servant to them all” sounds a lot like Jesus, who did the real contextualization in coming to earth and becoming a servant to us. – Tony Merida
In preaching, you’re not just exuding a passage, but you’re showing why it’s significant to this day and age and to whatever set of ideas is prevalent today. – Tony Merida
Part of contextualization is knowing where your flock is right now. Are they beat up? Do they need to hear the words of a loving shepherd? Or are they running from their responsibilities and from God, and are they in need of that prophetic voice? – Matt Carter
The last thing you want is to send a message that your church is just for insiders or for people who are familiar with the Bible. You wouldn’t be sacrificing substance; you’d be preaching with expositional hospitality. – Tony Merida
Published on February 15, 2024