New Churches Podcast | Season 1 | Episode 801
What Church Planters Can Learn from Spurgeon
Episode 801
Host Tony Merida spends time with Jeff Medders to discuss the life and legacy of Charles Spurgeon not only as a pastor and preacher, but as a dedicated church planter, too. From his intentionality as a leader to his vision casting as a church revitalizer, Spurgeon has much to teach planters today about faithfully living on mission, no matter the context in which you lead.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- Spurgeon’s most taught from book of the Bible
- What it looked like for his church members to “live sent”
- Greater insight into Spurgeon’s leadership pipeline
- Ways the great preacher emphasized Christ from the platform and in his personal life
- How Spurgeon’s sorrows impacted his life and faith
Helpful Resources:
- Geoffrey Chang’s Spurgeon the Pastor
- Arnold A Dallimore’s Spurgeon: A Biography
- Zack Eswine’s Spurgeon’s Sorrows
- John Theodore Mueller’s Great Heroes of the Faith
- Charles Spurgeon’s Lectures to My Students
- Charles Spurgeon’s C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography
- Are you part of a new church plant? Learn more about our new church offer here.
- Interested in learning more? Check out our Church Planting Primer.
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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):
Spurgeon was called “the prince of preachers,” and I think we could also call him “the powerhouse of church planting.” — Jeff Medders
Spurgeon didn’t just allow his name and funds to be leveraged for church planting. He was personally investing, teaching, and mentoring young men at his house. — Jeff Medders
You may go from being a church planter one day, but the church-planter mindset probably never leaves. — Jeff Medders
Christ was the gravitational center of everything Spurgeon taught. He called and proclaimed Jesus either through evangelism or edification, and I think that is for church planters today. — Jeff Medders
When you find yourself discouraged or depressed, or when you’re dealing with sickness in your family; whatever it is, it’s not new. The Lord throughout history has used weak saints by His grace to build up the body of Christ. — Tony Merida
Published on February 01, 2024