Host Jeff Medders sits down with pastor, Bible teacher, writer, and podcast host Daniel Im to discuss how church leaders can impact their congregations and communities with the power of the gospel in this post-pandemic world. Tune in to discover how you can make disciples and engage those who may be spiritually asleep in your midst.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- The false assumptions you may be operating under as a church leader today
- How the Church Growth Movement of the 1970s shaped our modern ministry models
- Ways you can evaluate whether or not your discipleship pathway is actually helping you make disciples
- How the parable of the sower can be seen within your own ministry context
- How to navigate the question of success and be faithful to your calling as church planter
Helpful Resources:
- Daniel’s new book: The Discipleship Opportunity: Leading a Great-Commission Church in a Post-Everything World
- Are you part of a new church plant? Learn more about our new church offer here.
- Interested in learning more? Check out our Church Planting Primer.
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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):
Success isn’t growth. I know we want to get to self-sustainability, multiplication, and health, but too often we think health is synonymous with growth. — Daniel Im
Are you discipling people not only disciples, but are they becoming disciple makers in your context? — Daniel Im
What’s our responsibility? It’s not the growth; it’s the blocking and the tackling. It’s planting the seeds and watering them. — Daniel Im
In his epistles, Paul never tells Titus or Timothy, “If you really want to grow the numbers…” It’s always about leadership, character, and growth in Christ, doing good works, forming people into the likeness of Christ, and engaging the community with the gospel. — Jeff Medders
Of the four types of people in every congregation and community, the consumers are the ones we often give too much voice to. You don’t need to answer to that disoriented, upset church member who ended up being vocal to the internet and not to you. — Daniel Im
Challenge their consumeristic tendencies and behavior with the gospel, in a gentle and loving way, so that we can be better on mission as disciples who make disciples so that our neighborhoods, cities, countries, and world can know Jesus. — Daniel Im
Published May 23, 2024