New Churches Podcast | Season 1 | Episode 815
How to Make Your Core Team Thrive

Host Ed Stetzer chats with lead pastor Dean Fulks to share his experiences from serving as a church planter to later pastoring a sending church. Tune in to discover the key characteristics to look for in your core team members, as well as the ways to set your people up for success through the twists and turns of starting your new church well.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- How to pursue a culture of multiplication from the start of your church plant
- What the DNA of your church says about you
- Ways to navigate the emotional tolls of sending out your best people
- The qualifications of a thriving core team member
- How to answer prospective members’ biggest questions about God and their place in His church
Helpful Resources:
- Are you part of a new church plant? Learn more about our new church offer here.
- Interested in learning more? Check out our Church Planting Primer.
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Sharable Quotes (#NewChurches):
There are all kinds of ways to think about a core team for a new church plant. – Ed Stetzer
The number one characteristic that defines the success or failure of a church plant is the spiritual and emotional health of the leaders, the pastor, his wife, and their family. – Dean Fulks
If you have a great leader–certainly not a perfect leader with a perfect marriage–but a great leader who loves Jesus and has a good marriage, you can send as many people as possible. – Dean Fulks
The folks who go are the folks you don’t want to leave. They’re the most missional and generous and want to reach their communities. They’re the most stoked about the mission and vision. – Dean Fulks
Look at Paul’s work in the New Testament and see the value he placed on women as part of planting teams and groups. – Dean Fulks
The key to handling relational conflict well is a depth of relational equity. – Dean Fulks
Published on March 21, 2024