Developing a Core Team

Recruiting a core team is challenging, yet essential. Although it will take time and effort to find the right team members and train them, without a team, you are essentially limiting the growth of your church. A core team will help you lay a scalable foundation for the birth of your church or campus. So you can’t afford to launch without one.

2 hours 6 Modules

Are you unsure how to find a core church planting team?

We can help you identify, recruit, and train your core team for your upcoming church plant or campus launch.


  • Ronnie Parrott


The Developing a Core Team course will help you build the ministry muscles required to launch well and position yourself for years of fruitful ministry. Instead of placing doers, learn how to develop equippers for ministry!

Not only will you learn how to recruit a core team, but in this course, you will be provided with the nuts and bolts for how to train them and release them into ministry. This includes a 12-week training outline with teaching notes to help you prepare your core team for launch.

These 6 modules are designed to help you:

  • Identify and recruit an ideal core team member
  • Develop a timeline for launching a church plant or campus
  • Train your core team over a 12-week period
  • And more!