5 Tips for Presenting a Gospel Invitation
The time to extend a gospel invitation is now. Here's how you can create space for the lost to respond to the gospel in your next worship service.
Presenting Jesus’ good news to others is an essential element of our lives and callings as followers of Jesus. With these proclamations and presentations comes the need for an unhurried opportunity to respond to God’s call to be saved. Though we may have seen this time of response be improperly utilized at the end of a service or conversation, this time of invitation is still a fruitful, beneficial means of sharing the gospel fully.
You may be wondering just how you can extend a gospel invitation to others, free from the fear of manipulation or undue hurriedness. So, here are five ways you can be ready to create space for others to receive and respond to God’s gift of salvation.
1. Know that you are called to the work of an evangelist
We are all called to the work of the Great Commission. While there are some who may seem especially gifted in the work of evangelism, we have all received the universal call to share the gospel with others. If you have been bought by the blood of Jesus, then you have the power of the Holy Spirit within you.
You have been called to know Jesus for yourself and to make His name to the rest of the world.
2. Be committed to your spiritual disciplines
Make your spiritual formation a habit. Spend time daily in God’s Word. Commit to prayer as a habitual practice. Pray for and seek out people to share the gospel with weekly. When you devote yourself to each of these practices, you will experience the Lord’s faithfulness in bringing individuals into your path who need to hear of His goodness for themselves.
Be ready for the lost and searching ones whom God will send your way.
3. Be led by the Scriptures
In light of your commitment to the spiritual disciplines, remember this: Every gospel declaration should be driven by the truths found in Scripture, and every text in the Bible should be preached in light of the good news of Jesus. The invitation to respond to the gospel is driven by the text that is taught. Anytime the gospel is proclaimed, an opportunity to respond should be presented.
So, giving an opportunity to respond to the good news of Jesus is essential, no matter what the topic or text may be. For example, if you’re speaking about generosity, you can still tie that back to the gospel: The most generous act of all time was a God who loved us so much that He sent His Son to us. Because God loved us, Jesus came down, took our place, and overcame the grave.
Any gospel invitation you extend must be rooted in Scripture’s truths.
4. Make preparations ahead of time
We should never talk to people about God until we have talked to God about people. So, bathe that event, Sunday service, work week, or gathering in prayer. Spending time with God in prayer is a critical part of preparing for not only a gospel presentation, but also our invitation for others to respond to the good news.
Just as you prepare your message, your talk, or your sermon beforehand, be sure to also prepare your invitation. Have it prayed through before you ever touch the stage. Know exactly what you’re going to say and how you will ask your audience to respond to it. Of course, we must leave room for the Holy Spirit to do what He wants to do, and we must be led and empowered by Him; however, we must also be clear and concise, which comes through preparation. Know how you’re going to transition and what you’re going to say, as well as what you’re calling them to respond to and how you want them to respond.
Whether that’s asking them to come forward, go to the back, stand, pray, raise their hands, or send in a text response, know ahead of time what it is you’re going to say and how you’re prepared to say it.
5. Preach to the lost people in the room
Preach the gospel to the lost people in the room, calling them to respond to the good news of Jesus Christ. In giving this invitation to respond and put their faith in Jesus, the lost must know why they need to do that in the first place. They must understand that we’re all sinners and that sin has broken the relationship God designed us to have with Him from the very beginning. We are helping them understand their need for a Savior and explaining the fact that God sent His Son to live this life that we couldn’t live and to die the death that we deserve. Explain the foundational truths that Christ died on the cross for our sins and was buried, but then rose again and defeated death. As stated in Romans 10:9, “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Explaining the gospel in a clear way means explaining those elements and letting others know that God did not make it complicated for us to be saved. If we put our faith in Him, confess our sins, and ask for His forgiveness, He’s faithful to forgive. They don’t need to know everything about the gospel to receive the free gift of salvation.
In all, gospel invitations should not seem daunting or awkward to us as proclaimers of God’s Word. Rather, these are opportunities to be savored and prepared for fully, knowing that God is using these moments to create space for the lost to make their way back to Him. Prayerfully consider how you can make the practice of gospel invitations a regular part of your own worship services and gospel conversations.
Adapted from Episode 745: Giving an Effective Gospel Presentation of the New Churches Podcast.