Understanding a Call to Ministry
Shane Pruitt and Scott Pace have written an excellent book and created a series of videos and guides to help a leader develop those who have been called to ministry.
There are some great resources out there about helping people decide if they are called to ministry, but not many address what to do once they’ve accepted that call. Also, it is common for a pastor to have multiple people surrender to ministry, but not know what to do with them.
So Shane Pruitt and Scott Pace wrote Calling Out the Called. Along with this book, they created a series of videos and guides, Understanding the Call to Ministry, to help a leader develop those who have been called.
Two types of calling:
- Universal calling – the calling on all believers
- Unique calling – the calling on some believers (Eph. 4:11-12)
There is a universal calling on all believers. If you have been bought by the blood of Jesus, you are called to ministry to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. If you are a follower of Jesus, you are a saint of God, and all saints of God are called to ministry.
But, in the Bible, some are uniquely called to ministry leadership – to equip those saints who are called to ministry. This resource can help you develop these leaders with a unique calling.
The book, Calling Out the Called, and the videos and guides in Understanding the Call to Ministry, can help you as a leader as you walk alongside someone recently called to ministry. The mentoring guide is meant to help you lead them through ministry concepts and tools that are required. The guide includes probing questions to help them wrestle through the concept of calling. The guide also includes teaching points that provide the biblical foundation for each subject.
Additional resources are also provided in the thinking points section of each guide. Training points are practical aspects of ministry for putting each aspect of ministry into practice.
In addition to the mentoring guide, the series of videos will talk through additional points that aren’t included in the guides to help you as you walk through this process.
Go to for more information on Understanding the Call to Ministry and how it can help you develop leaders.