Topic: Leadership Development

Best Practices for Core Team Members

Your core team is the heartbeat of your new church. So, how do you get your people moving in the same direction for the same mission? Here are 7 incredible ways to get off on the right foot as you set the tone of who your church is becoming.

Pursuing Intimacy with Christ

Ministry is not the primary call on our lives; intimacy is. Discover how your personal journey with Christ sets the tone for your calling to live on mission.

Planting Churches with Friends

Relationships are essential. This is especially true in the context of church planting. Here’s why leaning into the relational connections of your congregation and community is a game changer for planters.

10 Keys to Preaching

Dr. Crawford Loritts offers 10 ways to approach your time on the platform as you share the Word of God with the congregation He has entrusted to your care.

Qualities of Peacemakers

The Prince of Peace calls us His own. Here are the 3 ways Christ calls you to extend peace as you make His name known.

The Power of Humility in Ministry

The difficulties of Christlike humility are not new to the modern age; the early church had to grow in this area of discipleship, too. Here are three reasons to pursue humility as you lead others to pursue Christ.

Time Management for Planters

Our time in the office is not the infinite resource it seems to be. Here’s how you can reign in your priorities as you seek to serve God well as you shepherd His people.

The Christ-Centered Life

What does it mean for your life to be marked by true Christlikeness? The Apostle Paul highlights what genuine devotion to Jesus means in his letter to the church in Colossae.

Pastors Need Friends

As leaders, we thrive when we cultivate support systems with meaningful friendships. Here’s why God calls us to expand our inner circles and allow others to invest in our lives.

4 Ways to be Fit for Ministry

To press on in ministry requires a measure of holistic fitness. Here are four areas of your life that can be surrendered to God for His glory and for your good.

4 Ways to Prep Your Expositional Sermon

We all approach sermon prep differently, yet we should feel confident in our processes of getting our sermons ready. Here are four ways to prepare your heart and mind for Sunday morning.

The Contribution of John Chrysostom

How much do you know about the greatest preacher of all the early church fathers? Trevin Wax expounds on why the Archbishop of Constantinople’s ministry has been more impactful to you than you may realize.

3 Ways to Face Hardship on Mission

Discouragement, challenges, and trials are guaranteed realities amid our church planting journeys. Through it all, here are three ways God accomplishes His mission through us as we live on mission for Him.

6 Tips for Effective 1-on-1 Meetings

Meetings shouldn’t be your entire ministry, but they can play a huge role in what you do! Here’s some helpful advice as you make appointments with the church members you shepherd.

How to Train Your Launch Team

If you’re new to church planting, you’re likely coming onto the scene with just as many questions as you have ambition. So, here are some tips, tricks, and guidance to help you consider the best ways to lead your launch team in this new season.

4 Things to Look for in Your Next Ministry Partner

You can’t pursue the work of a fruitful, healthy ministry on your own… but you can make a wise, informed decision about who will walk alongside you as you lead. So, here are some tips for picking your ministry partner well.

5 Characteristics of a Good Children’s Ministry Director

5 Characteristics of a Good Children’s Ministry Director

Your congregation and its families play an essential role in the life of your church. As a result, the man or woman who equips them in the ways of the Lord is crucial. So, here are 5 things to look for as you determine the next leader of your children’s ministry.

4 Things You Can Do Now to Prepare for the Fall

4 Things You Can Do Now to Prepare for the Fall

All year long we wait for the summertime season. Yet even here in this highly-anticipated time of year, our ministries still continue. So, here are 4 ways to use this season well, all to the glory of God and the good of your congregation.

The Preacher as Theologian

You cannot claim to be “just a preacher, not a theologian.” Here’s how your work as a preacher impacts your congregation’s understanding of God and why you must lean into it.

5 Steps for a Successful Succession

How do you leave your role well as a church planter? Here are five steps to implement in a healthy succession plan as you consider how God may lead you into new kingdom efforts for His glory.

The Ever-Learning Preacher

We’re never truly done with our pursuit of knowledge. Here’s why we’re called to continue reflecting on God’s Word as we keep engaging the world around us.

Lead By Example: Having a Personal Commitment to Sharing the Gospel

Lead by Example: Committing to Sharing the Gospel

Your church’s culture of evangelism begins with you as the leader. Here are the five phases of evangelism to help you navigate this personal call within your life—for the benefit of you and your church.

5 Ways to Set Goals by Faith

5 Ways to Set Goals by Faith

As we continue on our journey as church planters, we venture into new seasons and opportunities for growth. But how can we know what’s next? Here are five ways to rely on God as you move confidently into the future.

3 Reasons Every Planter Needs a Network

3 Reasons Every Planter Needs a Network

Church planting is difficult work; you can’t accomplish the work of God’s kingdom alone. Here are three ways that joining a church-planting network will change the trajectory of your missional calling forever.

3 Ways to Equip the Next Generation

“Your generation doesn’t have it as bad as our generation” is a stale approach to bringing up tomorrow’s leaders. Here are three ways you can lead the next generation today.

How to Change Culture Through Preaching

Your church has a culture, and that culture will play a huge role in its effectiveness toward making an impact for the kingdom of God. But if the culture isn’t missional, how do you change it?

Resources for Residencies

As you look to resource your residency, three key components ought to be included to produce health.

How to Build a Residency

You can build a lasting residency program that you deeply believe in by working through a process that helps you define three things: your terms, your why and your content.

Talking Internship with Mark Dever

Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., is well known for its effective intern program. Our Clint Clifton sat down with Mark Dever, the church’s senior pastor, to discuss the nuts and bolts of the program.

How Far Do We Go with Vulnerability?

That pastors ask regularly for prayer in the church should be a non-negotiable. But how transparent should we be with others about our own situations and struggles with sins? 

3 Dangers of Indecisiveness

Leaders make decisions; good leaders make them in time. If you are going to lead well, you must couple your desire to be faithful with a willingness to decide.  

Your Church is Going to Die

People rarely consider how churches begin and almost never consider how they end. Churches, just like people, have lifecycles. They are born and they die. Where is your church in its lifecycle?  

3 Questions Pastors Must Ask

Having been around a lot of pastors at our various confabs across the world, I’ve noticed something unhealthy.

4 Ways to Find Launch Members

To plant a church you need a solid launch team. Get the best practices from Daniel Im on growing your launch team.