Preaching Masterclass

Polemical Preaching with Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith

How do you preach biblical truth in contrast with something against biblical truth? Kevin Smith discusses three keys to polemical preaching. 

  1. A loving relationship with listeners 
  2. Teaching grounded in Scripture 
  3. Boldness from the Holy Spirit 

Published on January 06, 2024

About the Podcast

Preaching Masterclass

Have you ever thought, am I a good preacher? What can I do to become a better one? Am I doing enough to prepare? Or, is anyone listening? Preaching is hard. That’s why we’ve created the Preaching Masterclass, a pathway to help you refine the art of outlines and sermon preparation, preach with purpose, and lead listeners to apply God’s Word to their lives.

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Meet the Author

Kevin Smith

Kevin L. Smith is Teaching Pastor of the Family Church Network in South Florida. He and his wife, Patricia, moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, after he led the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware for five years. Kevin is a missionary, conference speaker, and hosts the Peculiar People podcast at When he is not riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle, he also teaches as a visiting professor at several seminaries and universities.

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